Sinn Féin introduces a bill that bans future rent increases for three years

Poor citizens in Ireland will no longer have to leave their homes because they can no longer afford rent. Sinn Féin will introduce a bill next week banning rent increases for three years.

Sinn Feinn said the ban on Rent Increases Bill would also help reduce rents over the same period.

The party announced the most comforting news for the Irish people during this time of crisis.

There have been several incidents of evictions due to the inability of many to pay rent during the pandemic time. But with the introduction of this law banning rent increases, people will be able to stay safely in their homes to some extent.

A temporary ban on evictions and rent increases was first introduced during the Pandemic. However, Sinn Feinn plans to extend its term to three years.

The eviction of people who could not pay rent due COVID-19 crisis had been banned since the end of July.

In addition, the legislation, which takes effect until January, prohibits hikes for renters who receive a Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) or wage subsidy scheme.

Meanwhile, Sinn Féin’s housing spokesman Eoin Ó Broin requested on the Fianna Fail and the Green Party to support the new bill to ban the rent increase bill.

Mr. Ó Broin said the bill that Sinn Féin last passed was a rent freeze bill, which included the support of the Fianna Fáil and the Green party.

He said the bill was a little different in banning rent hikes and allowing rent reductions, and he also appealed to all TDs to support the bill.

The average new rent in Ireland were €1,412 per month, but in the capital it averages €2,030 per month, according to the latest DAFT rental report for June. This represents an annual increase of 1% and 0.2% compared to 2019, respectively.

Ó Broin stated that although the annual rate is declining, the rent is increasing year by year. 

This was a problem before Covid-19, but with people struggling with the rising cost of living, he said it is time for the government to take action.

“High rents are forcing working people make to a Hobson’s choice of either very long commutes for cheaper rental areas, or high rents and a lower standard of living,” he added.

Mr. Ó Broin noted that although landlords cannot increase rent for three years, any professional landlord can earn income from current rent.

He said the party believes the bill is constitutional. He added that if not, the party will resist the challenge.