Survey found fathers in their 30s have suffered the most from stress since the outbreak of COVID-19

DUBLIN: A new survey reveals that fathers in their 30s with children have seen a sharp increase in stress since the outbreak of COVID-19. Stress among fathers in their 30s has risen from 13% before the Pandemic to 36% now.

A survey by Aviva Life and Pensions, published yesterday, found that more than one million stress-related sick days have been taken since COVID-19 pandemic.

Family health, isolation and loss of income are the three major concerns in the country. It must be because men have been experiencing all three of the above facts since the outbreak of COVID-19 in March that their levels of anxiety have almost doubled.

According to the new study, one in ten men experienced stress prior to the pandemic, but now it’s one in three men. The survey found that 42% of people suffer from anxiety, compared with 24% pre-COVID. Some 40% said they were stressed compared with 25% before the pandemic.

“A lot of people, particularly men, are out working full-time and I think when they got stuck at home and the schools were closed, they couldn’t cope,” said Marc Stanley, a marine surveyor based in Roscommon.

Mr. Stanley said a lot of fathers are now playing a caring role that they have never experienced before, which puts them under a lot of stress. He quit his job due to health problems and is currently staying at home with his children.

The study shows that pre-Pandemic stress was more common in people between the ages of 18 and 24, but has now changed to people between the ages of 35 and 44. Anxiety was worst among 25- to 34-year-olds at 38% pre-COVID, and now stands at 52%.

A total of 8% of those surveyed had taken a sick day due to stress.

Some 34% said they were well adapted to working from home and 21% said it had a positive impact on their work-life balance. At the same time, 10% of people said it had a negative impact. However, 16% said they are working longer hours and the study found that this was highest among men in their 30s with children.