Tanaiste Leo Varadkar Ireland’s exit from ‘Level 5’

Ireland is currently going through Level 5 restriction. This was introduced on October 11 due to the increase in Covid-19 cases.

Tanaiste Leo Varadkar now confirms that the Country will be getting out of Level 5 restrictions on next Tuesday.

While shifting the restrictions from Level 3 to 5 on October, the government aimed to reduce the daily case count to between 50 and 100 per day.

But still the numbers haven’t slide down to the authority’s expectations and this lead the rise of confusion amongst people, regarding the efficiency of the Level 5 and when this would end.

The Tuesday’s Cabinet discussed the exit from Level 5 and formal announcement will be made by Taoiseach Micheal Martin this Thursday or Friday.

However, it now appears that Tanaiste Leo Varadkar has beaten the Taoiseach to the post and confirmed Level 5 will be lifted.

Taking through Twitter on Tuesday afternoon, the Fine Gael leader retweeted a graph showing how the COVID-19 case numbers have dropped.

As a reply to this Mr Varadkar wrote: ‘Looks like we are back on track, broadly speaking.

‘Let’s all keep at it and avoid any slippage.

‘Only a week more of Level 5 to go. The lower the numbers, the more we can open up.’

Mr Varadkar tweet gives a clear idea about the lift of the Level 5 on December first week itself.

Even though there have been talks and confirmations which says that the government won’t be extending the Level 5, but no officials had ever said that when it will end.

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly previously said that there was no plans to extend the restrictions, but there also he didn’t mentioned anything regarding the ending dates

Likely, Taoiseach Micheal Martin said that he ‘expected’ restrictions to end as planned.

Mr Varadkar’s comments regarding the Level 5 comes a day prior to the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) meeting.  

Its weekly Thursday meeting has been brought a day advancing as the team prepares to discuss the next step and what restrictions will be in place for Christmas.