The Prime focus is on the reopening of schools, not on pubs- Varadkar

The reopening of schools remains as the national priority, by the end of this month schools might open. The pubs may stay closed until next year, said Tanaiste Leo Varadkar.

There were discussions and thoughts regarding the reopening of the pubs by August 31, but the present situation it totally against it. The full focus is on the reopening of the schools.

In the meantime, officials from the Winters ‘Federation of Ireland (VFI) and the Licensed Winters’ Association (LVA) met with Varadkar to demand financial support for all pubs and their staff.

The federation demands that there should be a relief package for the 25,000 employees who are now jobless. There 25,000 people were working in different sectors of 3,500 pubs, which are now closed due to the pandemic.

After a meeting with the Winners’ group Varadkar said that, a ‘survival plan’ should be formulated for closed industries, including pubs, theaters and the aviation sector.

Varadkar also added that the areas which are close due to pandemic reasons need extra care, attention and support.

At the same time, he asked these sectors to adjust and cooperate for the public need.

“Pubs are my favorite place. I wish I could go to the pub again, but they are not as important as schools,” Varadkar said.