UCC Indian Alumni Community raises funds to “help India fight COVID-19”

The Indian Alumni Community of University College Cork in Ireland is raising funds to help India in its fight against the deadly second wave of COVID-19.

India is in desperate need of life-saving medical equipment, as hospitals across the country are experiencing serious shortages. Hospitals and health facilities across the country are collapsing as more than 300,000 cases are reported daily. Many hospitals are running out of hospital beds, essential drugs and oxygen cylinders.

The UCC Indian Alumni Community’s fund-raising initiative ‘Help India Fight Covid-19’ aims to source medical equipment such as oxygen concentrators, ventilators, and ICU beds. The group will also provide financial assistance to families in need.

To make the above above-mentioned equipment and supplies available, the alumni community will collaborate with Bharat Govind GS and Aishwarya Chandran of CoVolNet. CoVolNet is an online network that helps people connect with the right resources during the pandemic.

The team will also liaise with alumni, Dr. Atul Thorat and his friends, Mr. Sudheer Kamath, Mr. Suvarnkumar Gunde and Mr. Roshan Kolhe.

All who want to support the families and communities in India can do so by visiting their website https://uccindianalumni.com/2021/05/05/help-india-fight-covid-19/ and making a donation.

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