UN Urges Ireland to Strengthen Corporate Tax Policies Against Profit-Hiding Loopholes

The UN’s Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Committee has urged Ireland to strengthen its corporate tax policies to prevent wealthy individuals and businesses from exploiting loopholes. Concerns were raised about financial secrecy laws and lax tax regulations hindering efforts to combat tax evasion and illicit flows of money.

Ireland was called upon to enhance measures against profit-shifting and tax fraud, including protecting whistleblowers and conducting assessments of the impact of its tax policies on developing countries.

Christian Aid Ireland and other experts highlighted Ireland’s role in facilitating tax avoidance and its negative impact on poorer nations. The committee also expressed concern about growing income disparities, gender pay gaps, and inadequate housing supply, particularly affecting marginalised populations. While welcoming plans for a national living wage, the committee emphasised the need for further improvements in workers’s conditions and affordable housing.

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