Water supply disruptions may occur across Ireland on June 7 and 8

Dublin: Workers in Ireland’s water supply sector to go on strike. The workers plan to strike on June 7th and 8th. On these two days, Ireland’s water supply is likely to be disrupted. 30 local authorities have already received strike notices.

Karan O’Loughlin, Siptu Division Organiser, warned that if water supply workers go on strike, there will be a shortage of clean water. It will not be possible to monitor the quality of the water normally. They said that the possibility of the strike extending for more days cannot be ruled out.

All water service systems in Ireland are moving under one umbrella, Irish Water. But there are many workers who prefer to stay with the local authority. The employees claim that their case is uncertain. They are also concerned about losing their current income and benefits.

Stephen Kelly, Chairman of the SIPTU’s National Negotiating Committee, stated that those who wish to remain with the local authority must ensure that they do not lose their salary and other benefits. He stated that they are required to work overtime but are not compensated for it. The workers in the water sector are very frustrated and dissatisfied due to various reasons like this.

Darragh O’Brien, Minister for Housing, has announced that the terms and conditions of workers who remain with local authorities will be protected. The workers are demanding that this promise be kept. He said that the strike will continue until the problem is resolved.

The government has clarified that water service employees who do not wish to voluntarily transfer to Irish Water will be able to continue working in local authorities until December 31, 2026, while maintaining their current pay and benefits. After this date, local authorities will no longer be involved in providing water services to the public. There will also be a decision on redeployment, upskilling, and training programmes for employees who are not transferred to Irish Water. Staff will be redeployed within the local authority. The department also says that they will not lose their current income.

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