Wheelchair users finds it difficult to navigate public spaces – IWA Survey

The survey conducted by Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA), has shown that most of the wheelchair users face difficulties navigating pavements, parking and pedestrian crossings.

77% of 1,000 people with physical disabilities have complained about the lack of accessibility to public spaces. 66% pointed out the difficulties in accessing public buildings, including healthcare, retail and leisure ffacilities.

68% reported the lack of public parking facilities and 73% said they faced steps to the main entrances of public buildings.

The Irish Wheelchair Association, which was founded by eight people who are wheelchair users, is having its 60th anniversary this year.

IWA says access to buildings and infrastructure has been an issue for the people with physical disabilities. 

It has  demanded for regulations to be reviewed to include wheelchair accessibility into housing design in Ireland.

Director of Property, Housing and Access at Irish Wheelchair Association, Tony Cunningham, noted that their Access Guidelines are instrumental in opening housing, public spaces and buildings for people with physical disabilities.

He said that they are persuading the authorities to adopt these guidelines into their planning and design, so that they can live the life they choose.