World Pancreatic Cancer Day – November 17, 2022

Every year on the third Thursday in November—this year, November 17—World Pancreatic Cancer Day is observed.

In 1761, Italian anatomist Giovanni Battista Morgagni wrote his masterpiece, “De Sedibus et Causis Morborum per anatomen indagatis,” which translates to “The Seats and Causes of Diseases Investigated by Anatomy.” It offered new courses in medicine and anatomy. Giovanni’s paper contained a description of pancreatic cancer, but because microscopic examination was not feasible at the time, the diagnosis remained questionable.

In 1858, an American physician called Jacob Mendez Da Costa analysed Giovanni’s work, performed the first microscopic examination of adenocarcinoma (later named pancreatic cancer), and recognised it as a real illness. Alessandro Codivilla, an Italian surgeon, operated on a pancreatic tumour in 1898, but the patient died. Johns Hopkins Hospital’s William Stewart Halsted performed the first successful resection of cancer.

Pancreatic cancer survival rates have been static since the 1960s, and it is now the fourth biggest cause of cancer deaths. People came together to help spread the word about pancreatic cancer and increase awareness about its prevention and treatment on World Pancreatic Cancer Day.


  1. One of the finest ways to observe this day is to raise as much awareness about this disease as possible by organising an event.
  2. Wear purple to show your support for those fighting or who have died from pancreatic cancer.
  3. Millions of people affected by pancreatic cancer want financial assistance. Donate as much as you can and urge your friends and family to do the same.

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