4000 applicants seeking for the position of COVID-19 vaccinator; HSE plans to set up 40 mass vaccination centers
DUBLIN: The Health Service Executive received 4000 applications for the post of COVID-19 Vaccinator.
Those who have applied to become vaccinators include doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, paramedics, physiotherapists, emergency medical technicians as well as dentists and optometrists. Part-time employees of HSE have also applied for the post of vaccinator.
Vaccinators are being recruited as part of the National Recruitment Campaign. HSE would need to hire between 1,500 and 2,600 full-time vaccinators throughout the system. “4,000 applications have been received through the national recruitment campaign for new vaccinators and are in the process of being screened and cleared,” a spokeswoman said.
The campaign, which began in February, ended on March 23. This date has been extended several times. HSE plans to set up 40 mass vaccination centers in the coming months.
“These new vaccinator roles . . . will support local recruitment competitions for vaccinators and other roles on the vaccination teams,” said the spokeswoman. The vaccination process is limited only by supply and we will continue to roll out the vaccine programme as fast as supply allows,” she added.
As of March 19, about 6,68,529 doses of the vaccine had been administered in Ireland. Of these, 487466 were the first dose and 181063 were the second dose. Vaccination is currently concentrated in people over 70 years of age.
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