Washington: Democratic candidate Joe Biden is just six votes away from winning the US presidential election. If he can retain the lead in Nevada, Biden could come to power with exactly 270 electoral votes.
Biden is now close to the majority of 270 with 264 electoral votes. The current President Donald Trump has only 214 electoral votes. After Wisconsin, Biden took the lead with a victory in Michigan.
But Trump, who has already claimed victory, has filed a petition in the Supreme Court and the Michigan High Court seeking a halt to the vote count.
Biden said he would correct Trump’s wrong decisions if he came to power. Biden also tweeted that the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement would be rescinded.
If President Trump wants to win again, he must retain the remaining states of Alaska (3), Georgia (16), North Carolina (15) and Pennsylvania (20) and win in Nevada, where Biden is now in the lead. If he fails to win in Nevada, Trump will receive only a maximum of 267 votes.
Biden grabbed swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, where things were in Trump’s favour. With this, the Biden camp gained confidence. Trump had hopes on 26 electoral votes of these two states. Biden won 2.2% in Michigan and a slight lead of 0.6% in Wisconsin.
Trump is leading in Georgia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, where the vote count is yet to be completed. Even if Trump has the lead, it will sometimes be crucial to see who the postal vote count will support.
Biden will have 286 electoral votes if he is able to get lead in Georgia, where Trump has a slight upper hand.
As Trump has approached the court, the end result is likely to be delayed.
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