Diormoid Martin, Catholic Archbishop of Dublin, has expressed concern over the city’s expansion of Covid-19. Strict restrictions were announced on Saturday following an increase in the number of Covid cases in Dublin.
It was in this context that the Archbishop reacted to the approach of underestimating corona virus.
The archbishop said the spread of the virus was “critical” and it has reached serious levels. The reason for the proliferation of covid is the integration in homes and communities, and there must be a conscious effort to reduce it.
That is why the public health authorities are emphasizing the need for each of us to reduce the number of social contacts during this period.
Contact reduction is just as important in the current situation as the need for face masks, social distance keeping and hand washing. Restrictions on Dublin City and County also apply to public worship places.
The archbishop said the parishes should make an extraordinary effort to reduce attendance at churches. “Thank God, there has been no indication of the virus being spread in worshipping communities,” he said. However, now the situation has changed.
He said that the current restrictions, no matter how tragic they may be, are appropriate at this time.
He warned against the hustle and bustle of the first Masses and weddings, and announced that they had been postponed.
Unfortunately, they cannot be done in the current period. Shrines should be closed except for limited attendance at private prayers and funerals.
“The idea that sacramental acts have to be done quickly and can be done outside the normal liturgical situation is false. There is no urgent need to celebrate these sacraments just because they fit into the school calendar,” he added.
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