A court has sentenced an Irish man to one year in prison for making his wife pregnant when she was thirteen.
A court has sentenced an Irish man to one year in prison for making his wife pregnant when he was thirteen. The couple got married at the age of 18 and gave birth to their third child.
However, in Ireland, having sex with a child under the age of 15 is a crime punishable by up to life imprisonment. The case against the youth is that he committed the crime in 2013 and 2014.
At present the husband is 25 years old and the young woman is 20 years old. They are currently living together as a family with three children. Both were born in Ireland but their own parents were not Irish citizens.
Defendant’s attorney Ray Bolland, meanwhile, said the young woman never thought she was a victim and would not support the investigation.
Sergeant James Buckley says the case was registered in 2015 by a social worker when the woman gave birth to her second child.
“She was 12 or 13 years old when she conceived her first child and 13 or 14 years old when she became pregnant with her second child,” said Sergey Buckley.
Although the woman did not file a complaint against her husband, the respondent also conducted a DNA test to prove the paternity of the children. Meanwhile, Bolland said to the court that the young woman would suffer if her husband was imprisoned.
However, Judge Sean Donabain sentenced a young man to one year in prison for having sex with a 12- or 13-year-old as part of an objective approach.
The case was heard yesterday during a camera hearing at the Cork Circuit Criminal Court.
The judge said that this is not socially or legally acceptable. Such actions are very wrong. The judge said the young man was being punished because he was convinced the girl was under 15 at the time of the crime.
At the same time, the Polish court ruled that this was a very unusual case and that ordinary court proceedings would adversely affect the victim in this case.
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