DUBLIN: The rising cost of living, low salaries, and housing issues are driving nurses out of Ireland. According to Duncan Smith, TD of the Labor Party, the country’s nurses are moving backwards as a result of these issues. According to the TD, the majority of them are recruited from outside. The reason for this issue is the situation in the country.
Every year, around 1,800 nursing graduates graduate. 96% of them work in Ireland. However, the job conditions, housing and living costs, and poor wages in this city change the picture. They travel to other nations to seek better opportunities. They are well-trained employees. There is no compelling reason to remain in Ireland. Even the pandemic bonus announced for good service during COVID has yet to be received. The government will choose a third party to make these payments. According to the TD, this process is now in the penetrating stage.
Bringing in an outside company to evaluate healthcare employee pay in our hospitals, nursing homes, community-based Section 39 organizations, home help and home care agencies is a major pain, according to TD.
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