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Apply for a drug payment card, if you donot have one..!!

Dublin: The Drugs Payment Scheme (DPS) card is available to individuals or families in Ireland who spend more than €80 per month on:

  • Approved prescribed medications
  • Rental costs for a CPAP machine
  • Rental costs for oxygen

If you hold a medical card, you do not need a DPS card. Holders of a DPS card may be eligible for refunds if their monthly expenditure exceeds €80.

Eligibility and Application

  • Open to anyone living in Ireland for at least one year.
  • No means test required.
  • A “family” includes an adult, their partner, children, and dependents with disabilities or illnesses.

Adding Dependents
To add a new baby or dependent, email [email protected] with their birth certificate and PPS number. For dependents aged 18-23 in full-time education, complete section 2 of the application form.

Checking Application Status

  • Online applicants receive a reference number to track their status.
  • Postal applicants with a mobile number will receive the reference via text; otherwise, it is sent by post.

Card Validity and Updates

  • DPS cards include a “Valid to” date. Renew expired cards online for quicker processing.
  • Address updates can also be done online by providing required documentation.

For lost or stolen cards, or if you cannot update your address online, contact [email protected].

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