Free coding workshops from DojoMor 2022, funded by the Higher Education Authority of Ireland, will be held online on Saturday, October 22nd, 2022, from 10am to 1pm, offering a variety of activities to suit all ages and interests.
On the day, 20,000 students from primary and secondary schools around Ireland, will learn to code in a fun and exciting virtual environment.
- Coding for beginners with Lightbot
- Build an app with Thunkable and Bubble
- Code a virtual robot with VEX code VR
- Code like a pro with HTML
- Create a story/game with scratch
- Code a micro-chip with micro: bit 3D modelling with blender
- Making music with soundtrap
- The magic of augmented and virtual reality
For information and bookings, visit or scan here-
Bookings are open now……
We hope you can make it: The DojoMor Team
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