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Irish becomes the most learned Language on Duolingo

Irish people had made the most of this lockdown, a lot of people have been using Duolingo to learn a new language.

When the people were asked to stay inside their houses, many of them were delving deep to learn something new and with the Duolingo app, they learnt Irish.

Gaeilge knocked the ever-popular Spanish to second place on the list. In fact, Irish is now the fastest growing language in Ireland.

Some 23% of all language learners in Ireland took Irish lessons on the app. This is a 42% increase compared to last year.

Spanish (19%) becomes the second in the list, French (15%) comes after that with German (8%) and English (7%) in the last two spots.

The top ten were Italian (5%), Japanese (3%), Portuguese (2%), Russian (2%) and Chinese (1%).

As per the reports from Duolingo it is known that Irish is also the fastest growing language in Ireland. It has surpassed Hindi, Japanese, Russian and Turkish.

It was also known that non Irish people were more enthusiastic and eager to learn Ireland’s native language.

Almost 5.6 million people were using Duolingo to learn Irish language. In fact, it is the 16th most popular language for English speakers to learn around the world.

36% of the learners were from the US, 23% from Ireland and 11% from UK. Its also found that people from India, Canada and Australia are learning Irish.

Colin Watkins, Ireland country manager at Duolingo, admitted it is heartwarming to see Irish people wanting to speak as Gaeilge.

“I hope this will encourage many more Irish people and those with an affinity or curiosity in relation to the language to give it a go.” He said.

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