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Difference of opinion between the Government and NPHET regarding the restrictions to be adopted to defend COVID-19

DUBLIN: The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) has recommended to the government that the country move to Level 5 restrictions. But top sources say that the government is not in agreement with it. The Cabinet Covid Committee meeting yesterday did not approve a complete lockdown, while it agreed on a set of new restrictions. Meanwhile, the Department of Foreign Affairs announced the launch of consular flights and ferry access from Britain to Ireland to bring Irish nationals stranded in the UK.

The Cabinet subcommittee recommended that gastro pubs, restaurants, cinemas, galleries and hairdressers will close from mid-afternoon on Christmas Eve. However, the committee recommends that some non-essential retail outlets and gyms be allowed to remain open. At the same time, the subcommittee recommended extending the travel ban to the UK until December 31. The problem is that an agreed position has yet to be reached on inter-county travel and also home visits. This is due to concerns over the rising number of COVID-19 cases and the new virus outbreak in the UK.

Health expert Professor Philip Nolan said “we are clearly now in a third wave of this pandemic, with very rapidly rising case numbers”.

Green Party leader Eamon Ryan said that the recent rise in coronavirus cases means that tougher measures needs to be re-introduced earlier than expected. He said the number of patients in hospitals and intensive care units are low, but the number of cases was increasing significantly.

The minister said there is no evidence of the new strain of coronavirus found in the UK is in Ireland. The labs are examining all the positive cases. Mr. Ryan added that everyone should take the vaccine when it becomes available. Schools are expected to reopen in January, but this has not been confirmed.

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