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“Fine Gael Emerges as the Most Popular Party in Irish Politics”

Dublin: Fine Gael has emerged as the most popular party in Irish politics, overtaking Sinn Féin for the first time since 2021, according to the latest Business Post/Red C poll. Fine Gael now enjoys 21% support, while Sinn Féin has dropped to 20%, a three-point decline from the previous poll. Fianna Fáil is close behind with 19% support, highlighting a tight contest between the three major parties.

The survey indicates a significant surge in popularity for Fianna Fáil, which has gained four percentage points since the last poll. Conversely, Fine Gael and Sinn Féin have seen their support dip by one and three points, respectively.

The newly established Independent Ireland Party, founded by Cork South West TD Michael Collins and Limerick TD Richard O’Donough in November 2023, garnered 5% of the vote in the poll.

Support for other parties is as follows: Independents at 15% (down 4 points), Green Party at 5% (up 1 point), Social Democrats at 5% (unchanged), Labour Party at 3% (down 1 point), People Before Profit-Solidarity at 3% (unchanged), and Aontú at 3% (unchanged).

This poll is based on an online survey of 1,000 people conducted between June 21 and 26, 2024.

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