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Beware of ‘Revenge Porn’

The new HSE advise that encourages online sex was out some days ago. The advice was made to slow the phase of Covid-9 spread. But now a revenge porn victim had raised her voice against this saying that the online sex could lead to an upsurge in revenge porn cases.

“Play it Safe” was the new information campaign, which asks people to avoid engaging in coitus with anyone they don’t live with. Masturbation, phone sex or internet sex are some other alternatives suggested instead of sex.

But 23-year-old Megan Sims, worries that it could create a lot of problems. Megan was a victim of revenge porn in the past.

“I think it is completely irresponsible if I am going to be honest. Not when there is no education available on it,” she said.

She also said that there is no protection for victims when it does happen and thus, she warns others not to create a disaster.

She launched an online petition for making revenge porn a criminal offence in Ireland and over 12,000 people marked their signatures in it.

It was four years ago that the tragic incident had happened in Megan Sims’s life. A picture of hers was shared online and posted on unnamed website.

“I logged on to my Facebook and I had thousands of messages calling me horrible names, slut shaming and telling me to kill myself,” she said.

That incident took her to the verge of suicide. She said that she tried to explain her tragedy to people whom she knows and also, she reached out to as many girls as she could to let them know that things are like this.

Kids are now navigating a whole new digital age and thus there is a need of proper sex education in the country, she added.

“If young adults decide to engage sexting or share images online or use video with another person, it’s important that they are aware of the risks and that they are aware that videos and photos can be shared without their knowledge and consent.” Said an HSE spokesperson in the context of ‘Play it Safe Campaign.’

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