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Racial attack on two Chinese in Cork; Insulted them by calling ‘Chinese Virus’

Cork: It was on Saturday, August 8, Martin Hong and Arthur were attacked near their homes. Both were admitted to Cork University Hospital as they were injured badly from the incident.

Martin says that he is afraid to go out because he is unsure whether he will be attacked again or not. Martin has a reason to fear, because here, too, teenagers are the perpetrators.

Racial violence and abuse have now turned to be regular everywhere, on one side government and some people are trying to eradicate such acts while on the other, some still enjoys doing this.

On their way to a supermarket, Martin and Arthur were attacked by a group of teenagers who shouted “Chinese virus”.

Both of them took out their phones and asked the teenagers to repeat the same, but without minding that the teenagers continued beating them up.

Martin was knocked unconscious; the violent gang took away their phone and also called names on them.

Martin shares scary memories with RTE. He said that while they were coming back to home, these teenagers started calling them ‘Chinese Virus,’ they also mocked and abused Martin and his friend with words and gestures apart from attacking.

While Arthur tried to film the incident on his phone, they snatched it from him and recorded our faces, Martin added.

The teenagers said that both Martin and Arthur were racists and shouted that both were propagating bad things about Ireland. It was somewhere in between they started the fight, Martin said.

He revealed that he was constantly punched on the neck, eyes and nose. He lost his tooth and his nose was bleeding, within no time he felt unconscious.

Complaints of continued attacks on people of Chinese descent from various parts of Ireland have been on the rise since the Covid virus era.

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