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The European Commission’s new regulation will overhauls and tightens the previous type approval and market surveillance system

The European Union implemented new rules to adjust car safety and examine the existing vehicles. The new rule is on the basis of the Dieselgate emission scandal that can have enough power of authority to compel obedience only if the member states like Ireland follows them.

An Irish freelance motoring expert said this as his reaction to the application of the EU regulation on the endorsement and market surveillance of vehicles. It was adopted in 2018 and took two years to came into law.

According to the EU, the new regulation expressively repairs and grips the previous approvals. The new regulation could improve the quality and independence of vehicle type-approval and testing. It also makes sure that the existing cars on the roads and strengthen the overall European system.

The latest rules comprise of “independence and quality of testing before a car is placed on the market”, which means testing and inspections of new car models to be autonomously assessed.

The new parameter also improves checks on the vehicles that are previously existing on the market and for sale at the dealerships, said the Commission. It also asked the member states to regularly test a minimum number of cars.

The commission now has the right and efficiency to carry out acquiescence and conformity checks on vehicles on the road as well as in the labs.

The Commission can impose sanctions up to €30 000 per car on those manufactures who breaches the type approval legislation like the so called ‘defeat device’ to cheat emission test.

The new regulation comes into existence in the lights of the Dieselgate scandal of 2015. At that time the famous car makers Volkswagen was found to have installed defeat devices in diesel cars which reflects with the less emission.

Later the whole world realized the drama played by the company as they accepted and admitted that 11 million cars across the world were part of the cheating.

Compensation has cost German car makers some €30bn so far and some of executives are still before the courts on charges related to the scandal. The massive public protest along with the campaigning from environmental activist, the government was forced to respond and thus it accelerated the responses to cleaner transport.

Starting from this week, all member states of EU have to carry out an authentication test on at least one car for every 40,000 new motor vehicles.

The commission said that almost 17.9 million fresh vehicles were registered in EU in the year 2019.

As pre the views and findings of Michael Rochford of Motrocheck, one of the leading experts in motor data in Ireland and Britain since 2002 said that the latest measures can make a huge difference to the consumers.

The new law is a positive move towards ensuring that there are cleaner and more efficient vehicles on the roads in future in the wake of Dieselgate scandal, he added.

“The independent auditing of new vehicles will have an immediate impact on new vehicles coming on to the market, but it remains to be seen what action member states will take to locally test cars already in circulation on the market,” he said.

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