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‘The Rock’ and family tested positive for Covid-19

The WWE fame Hollywood star, ‘The Rock’ Johnson has revealed that he and his family are Covid-19 positive.

The star said that his two kids who are two and four years of age experienced an irritation in the throat, but they said that there were no other symptoms. However, he and his wife Lauren Hashian had a rough go.

From the very beginning of the lockdown, Johnson and family were extremely careful about it and had followed the lockdown rules pretty strictly. He believes that the virus reached them through some very close family friends.   

The 48-year-old had announced the sad news through an Instagram video, stating that he has recovered from the illness and warns his fans to take the virus seriously and stay away from it.


He believes that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things they have ever had to endure as a family.

“And for me personally too, as well. And I’ve gone through some doozies in the past. I’ve got knocked about and got my ass kicked a little bit in the past with some challenges.” He said.

“But testing positive for Covid-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries, or being evicted, or even being broke, which I have been more than a few times.” He added.

The Fast & Furious star said that he is happy to tell the world that he and his family family are good.

“We are on the other end of it, we are on the other side. We are no longer contagious and we are, thank God, we are healthy.”

The star advised his fans to follow a healthy lifestyle and boost up the immunity so that the body could resist threats like the Covid-19. He also asked people to compulsorily wear mask.  

He said that some people out there, including some politicians, will take this idea of wearing masks and make it part of a political agenda.

“It has nothing to do with politics. Wear your mask. It is a fact and it is the right thing to do and it is the responsible thing to do.” He added.

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