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800 children in Ireland have tested Covid positive; No deaths recorded

The BMJ medical Journals latest research says that many children under the age of 14 are now diagnosed with Covid -19.

The report also says that the deaths are only occurring to those children who are having serious health conditions.

Nearly 800 children in Ireland have tested positive for Covid-19. All of these are below 14 years of age. 

But the positive news is that there has been no death among these age group, all of these children have managed to overcome the virus.

The health Protection Surveillance Center have come up with a new study that says that children and young people have less severe Covid-19 infection when compared to the adults, the fatality rate of these group is also very rare.

According to the British study, it is found that children and young people make up only 1-2% of Covid cases worldwide. 

The majority of the children affected are mild or asymptomatic and they have minimal death records too.

There have been 281 Covid cases in Ireland related to children up until the age of four and 528 cases in-between the age group five to 14 and these figures makes up 2.8% of the total Irish cases.

The HSE haven’t yet confirmed any deaths within the age group of 0-14.

HPSC data of confirmed cases up until the start of this week discloses the numbers of cases jump sharply in Ireland among the 15 to 24-year-old age group with just over 2500 cases or 8.8%.

The age group of 45 – 54 have the highest number of reported covid cases, whereas 25 – 34 and 35- 44 have just over 17% of the total case.

651 children and young people aged less than 19 years with Covid-19 admitted to 138 hospitals in Britain in the first six months of the year.

The infected ones will be under observation for a minimum of two week and as per the report of BMJ, 18% of children were taken to the critical care unit.

The researches said that lower age groups are having a low fatality rate while comparing with other age groups.

The studies say that even though the fatality rate in minimal with the case of children, there still exist the risk factor for more severe illness.

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