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Shocking news from Cork on New Year’s Day

Cork: On New Year’s Day, a foreign woman was strangled to death in Cork. Bruna Fonseca (28), a Brazilian woman who lived on Liberty Street in Cork city centre, was brutally murdered. Garda officers discovered the body in the apartment at 6.30 a.m. on Sunday. The body was moved to Cork University Hospital for a post-mortem.

The initial conclusion is that she was strangled. Garda has taken a 20-year-old man into custody in connection with the incident. Bruna’s acquaintance is said to be the person arrested. At Bridewell Garda Station, he is being questioned. Gardaí are not ready to comment on the incident because an investigation is still underway.

None of the neighbours were aware of it. Many of the neighbours learned about the incident when the Gardaí arrived.

The preliminary conclusion is that she died after a brutal attack and resistance. The neck bears the marks of strong force. There are scars all over the body from the beating. Death was confirmed at the scene.

Bruna Fonseca had been in Ireland for approximately a year. She worked for a cleaning company in Cork. She was murdered not far from Mercy University Hospital, where she now works.

The apartment has been sealed in preparation for forensic and technical examinations. The investigation is being carried out under the supervision of the senior investigating officer. As part of their investigation, Garda officers examined CCTV footage from the area. 

Information is being collected from the residents about whether they have seen anyone in any suspicious situations. A fast food delivery service has also been contacted to determine whether food or something else was delivered to the apartment.

The Garda has appointed a Garda Family Liaison Officer to assist Bruna’s family. She has only worked at Mercy University Hospital for a short time. The unexpected incident, however, has shocked hospital officials. The hospital spokesperson also expressed deep sorrow over the incident.

This is an area with a lot of flats and apartments, so garda believe there will be eyewitnesses to the incident. Several pubs, restaurants, and clubs were open on New Year’s Eve. So there were many people in the area. This is a place where there are many foreigners.

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