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848 nurses were attacked in Ireland’s hospitals in just three months..!

Dublin: 848 nurses and midwives were assaulted in the first quarter of 2023 alone, according to new figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO).

In the first three months of this year alone, 62% of assaults reported to the HSE were against nurses and midwives.

INMO General Secretary Ms Phil Ni Sheaghdha described these figures as ‘completely unacceptable’.

“No other profession has so many assaults and abuses,” she pointed out.

“Amid the unbearable overcrowding in hospitals, an environment is created here that allows physical and even sexual assault on nurses.” They stated.

INMO has urged the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) to conduct additional inspections and to prosecute employers who ‘fail to protect workers safely’.

The organisation also demanded that all hospital sites undergo an up-to-date and operational security review… in order to strengthen measures to prevent and de-escalate attacks.” Hospitals are both places of employment and places of care. The General Secretary of INMO stated that no worker should be subjected to such workplace abuse.

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