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International Aid Charities in Ireland to join together in the battle against Covid-19

In a worsening scenario of a global pandemic , about six of Ireland’s leading international aid charities are joining together to fight against Covid -19.

This Irish Emergency Alliance comprises of Action Aid, Christian Aid, Plan International, Self Help Africa, Tearfund, and World Vision, which between have programmes in 85 countries.

They are planning to raise funds from the Irish public and give support to countries where Covid cases are escalating and are worsening their situation of poverty conflicts and displacement.

The focus will be more on communities in Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan, as well as Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, and the Rohingya refugee camps of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh.

Helen Keogh, chairwoman of the Irish Emergency Alliance, said the unprecedented scale of the pandemic had brought the aid charities together.

She noted that if Corona virus had a drastic effect on a  country like Ireland, the effects it has in the countries without enough doctors and nurses would be devastating.

Minister of State for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora Colm Brophy said his department has already provided the member agencies of the Irish Emergency Alliance with over €16m in 2020 to provide humanitarian and development assistance.

As part of its fundraising efforts, the alliance is asking for donations at irishemergencyalliance.org or by calling 1800 939979 or by texting IEA to 50300 to give €4.

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