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Europe prepares for war…EU diplomats with clear signal

Brussels: European countries are preparing for resistance in view of Russia’s attack. Top EU leaders are under the assumption that the Russian invasion that started in Ukraine may spread to other countries. Hence, the call to prepare for war came from chief diplomats, including Joseph Borrell.

Former Spanish Foreign Minister Joseph Borrell said that Russia is threatening Europe at a meeting held in Brussels yesterday. Earlier, Northern European military leaders had also warned against the Russian move. However, this is the first such warning that war is imminent.

In February, the Danish defence minister hinted that NATO might declare solidarity with Russia within five years. He also warned that the Berlin Wall could be replaced by fire.

Russia’s ‘military move’

There have been reports that Russia is massively building up arms and military capabilities in Ukraine. This is more than Kyiv can afford. The nation’s leaders suspect that this move is aimed at making gains on the border.

European countries that have cut defence spending since the end of the Cold War have increased investment in the military and defence industries to help Ukraine, but more investment is needed.

There have also been calls from some EU leaders to raise funds through joint defence bonds. However, there are those who oppose the idea of public debt. It is also estimated that the EU budget will have to relax the rules to finance arms.

Other threats to Europe

He stated that the Israel-Hamas war and the instability in North Africa are all threats to Europe. Barrell pointed out that the conflict on the border of the European Union revealed the backwardness of the defence and military fields of the bloc.

Trump is the bomb..

The US may withdraw from its long-standing role as the continent’s security guarantor if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election in November. Barrell said this is “very concerning.” Trump’s threat to not protect NATO allies in Europe that do not spend enough on defence should also be kept in mind.

Washington is trying to concentrate its military power in Asia rather than Europe. The shadow of the US has been there since the Cold War. But it may change depending on who governs Washington. Therefore, the United States cannot be relied upon, said Barrell.

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