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Situation in European countries is worsening in the second wave of COVID-19; Doctors tested positive for Coronavirus have been asked to resume working in Belgium

DUBLIN: Reports from various countries indicate that the second wave of COVID-19 is on the rise, causing significant harm across Europe. The situation is worsened by the scarcity of hospitals with modern facilities, the shortage of health workers and the virus outbreak among them.

In Belgium, there are reports that even COVID positive doctors are being persuaded to continue working. At the same time, the ICU shortage in France is causing a major crisis. Countries across Europe, including Ireland, have introduced stricter COVID-19 regulations to curb the rise in cases. However, the situation is not under control. There are indications that the lack of ICU facilities could pose a threat to many countries, as in Ireland.

Given the increase in cases during the winter, there are also concerns about whether hospitals will be able to cope. The rate of COVID-19 infection in Ireland is 300.1 per lakh and mortality rate is 1.2 per lakh.

Situation remains the same in Belgium for the first wave and second wave of COVID-19

In Belgium, the 14-day incidence and deaths rates are 1390.9 and 5.8 per lakh, respectively. Belgium was one of the worst countries in Europe to be infected with the coronavirus in the early days of the pandemic. Now the same situation in the second wave. In a country of 5 million people, the shortage of hospitals with intensive care beds is a problem. The doctors themselves have revealed that even doctors who have tested positive for COVID-19 have been asked to return to work if they have no symptoms.

The country’s Liege is probably the most affected region in the world. Many doctors and nurses have been affected by the virus here. But, starting this week, positive cases were asked to go back to work if they are asymptomatic,” Philippe Devos said.

It is learned that the second complete lockdown may be announced in Belgium. It is reported that more than half of the capacity of the intensive care unit in the country has already been used. Brussels has cut short meetings of EU experts and senior officials following reports of the world’s highest COVID-19 infection rate.

Situation is deteriorating in the Czech Republic

Here, where the lowest number of cases have been recorded in the first wave of the Pandemic, things are in a state of failure in the second wave. About 15,000 COVID-19 cases are confirmed here every day. The 14-day incidence per 100,000 is 1379.8 and death rate is 12.3.

The Czech government has said it will impose a curfew to prevent the spread of the virus. The Czech Army has built a reserve field hospital with 500 beds. It has sought ventilators from the European Commission and medical assistance from EU neighbours. The country has been partially locked down since last week.

Things are getting worse in France too

In France, the 14-day incidence and death rate is 629.4 and 3.3 per 100,000, respectively. Yesterday, 258 new COVID-19 deaths were reported in France. 186 were in intensive care. This brings the total number of people in intensive care to 2,761. The total capacity is 5,800. Some hospitals are overcrowded.

Earlier this month, French authorities had imposed a curfew. However, the number of patients is increasing day by day. The cabinet is considering extending the curfew here. Maybe a full lockdown will also be announced by the weekend. Within Europe, France and Spain have more than a million COVID-19 cases. A total of 52,010 infections were reported in France on Sunday. Health experts have called for strict measures to be taken.

Crisis intensifies in Slovenia

Slovenia, with a population of two million, recorded 1,967 COVID-19 cases on Saturday and 1,111 yesterday. As the situation worsened, Slovenians were restricted from traveling. People are forbidden to leave their own municipalities. There is a partial lockdown here where a curfew has already been declared. Schools, universities and shops are closed here. The curfew was imposed last week.


Although Germany handled the first COVID-19 wave relatively well, the number of patients is reported to be rising rapidly as it spreads across the continent. The number of new cases regularly exceeds 10,000 per day. More than 11,400 new infections were reported yesterday.

The number of cases in Germany is low compared to other countries, yet it is a matter of concern that it is the most populous country in the European Union. Chancellor Angela Merkel will discuss the COVID crisis today with leaders of 16 German states. Winter warnings will also be discussed.

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