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Youngsters gathered and created a ‘Carnival’ atmosphere in Cork

Despite of lockdown and Level 5 restrictions hundreds of people thronged Cork City Center last night, like a carnival.

The youngsters created trouble for the localities by gathering in the streets without wearing masks, keeping a social distance and getting drunk. The Gardaí arrived after receiving the information but the youths did not leave, leading to clashes and arrests.

Garda said the streets were crowded with people because of Christmas lights and such crowds could not be allowed within the Level 5 restrictions.

Video footage of hundreds of people arriving in the city center without a mask has also been released. The video, shot by Ali Homo, a volunteer for One Human Community Charity, also shows Garda chasing young people.

It is clear from the visuals that a number of people were skating, people were gathered in groups without masks and in the meantime Garda’s car arrives.

Ali says hundreds of young people have flocked here in the past weekend as well. He added that if this was the case with Level 5 controls, there would be no need to think about getting out of the lockdown.

Garda also says that crowds of people near the Takeaway liquor store are causing big problems. Garda said Friday night also saw heavy mob in the city.

People gather extensively outside takeaway liquor stores. The recent turn on of the Christmas lights made it even more attractive. Garda also said that the law is being tightened in the face of widespread crowds in various parts of the city center.

Labor councilor John Maher and Labor local area representative Peter Horgan said the Garda commissioner should go to Cork and ensure the necessary security arrangements in the event of a large crowd in the city center on Saturday night.

They said that for two consecutive nights, young people had gathered in large numbers in the city and that this is not the right trend.

At the same time, they said, the government should provide adequate facilities for the Gardaí to take strict action against those who violate the regulations.

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