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Screen Ireland to support the exhibition sector during Pandemic period

Fis Eireann/Screen Ireland along with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media, are joining together for a special initiative to support the exhibition sector during this time of crisis.

Screen IrelandFís Éireann / Screen Ireland recognises the immense challenges that Irish cinemas face as they reopen their doors and rebuild their businesses following long periods of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland (FÉ/SI) is the national development agency for Irish filmmaking and the Irish film, television and animation industry.

Screen Ireland also acknowledges the enormous contribution of Irish cinemas in supporting Irish films and providing a diverse cultural offering throughout the nation across a wide-ranging demographic of audiences. Furthermore, the cinema sector operates a valuable social and educational service to communities across the country.

The importance of the local cinema in communities cannot be understated as a central part of cultural life.  It is the local cinema where audiences and potential filmmakers foster a passion for film and storytelling on screen.

The sector comprises of predominantly Irish-owned independent and arthouse cinemas that screen Irish and specialist films and support the indigenous filmmaking sector.

Ireland has a unique screen density of regional cinema by comparison to its European counterparts and in 2019, Ireland had the highest cinema admissions per capita in Europe.  The high level of admissions results partly from the fact that many Irish small and medium sized towns have cinemas.  

The cinema stimulus support fund will enable cinemas to reopen safely, to market and promote films and commit to audience development programmes and to continue to support their local communities. The funding allocated is contingent on meeting the strict criteria and conditions set out below.

All funding made available is made on the strict condition of adherence to:

Guidance for the Safe Operation of Cinemas during COVID-19

The Government’s Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021 – Plan for Living with COVID-19

The Government’s Stay Safe Guidelines

The Government’s Work Safely Protocol

For more details on Building Back Audiences, how to qualify for the fund and details on how to apply, visit the Screen Ireland website.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 21st December 2020 at 18.00.

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