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Biden era began; 17 orders signed on the first day

WASHINGTON: Former President Donald Trump’s policies have been reversed and new US President Joe Biden has taken office. Biden arrived in the White House after the swearing-in ceremony and signed 17 decrees amending Trump.

The first to be signed were orders to make masks mandatory in public places and for the United States to rejoin the Paris climate agreement. There will soon be more liberal action on visa rules and the refugee issue.

On the first day, Joe Biden signed an order to freeze the construction of the wall on the Mexican border, to ensure the protection of immigrants and to lift the immigration ban. Biden also overturned legislation in 2017 banning travel to the United States from seven Muslim countries.

Joe Biden was sworn in as the new president of the United States on Wednesday. The swearing-in ceremony took place at the Capitol, the Parliament building in the capital, Washington, DC. Joe Biden swore by laying a hands-on his 128 years old Bible.

Joe Biden called his swearing-in day as Democracy Day. He said that the United States has shown that democracy is invaluable. He also referred to differences within the United States. He said he would stand up against apartheid and domestic terrorism. He has also made it clear that he will be the president of all Americans. “My whole soul is in this… bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation,” he said.

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