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Broadband will now be available to 7,900 rural houses by the end of the year

Under the National Broadband Plan (NBP), broadband connections will reach 7,900 rural households in the next ten weeks. With this slow speed internet in Ireland will become history.

Communications Minister Eamon Ryan and National Broadband Ireland officials said the plan had been approved. Broadband will initially be available in Cork, Galway and Kawan with government subsidies, and preparations for this will be completed soon.

Meanwhile, National Broadband Ireland (NBI) Chairman David McCourt said broadband would be expanded to 5,40,000 locations within five years, including rural homes and businesses in Ireland.

According to the NBP agreement, fiber broadband will be available in 7,900 rural areas by the end of this year and will increase to 1,15,000 by the end of 2021.

The plan is to provide high-speed Internet access to 70,000 to 100,000 locations every five years thereafter.

Survey work on the project is progressing rapidly. The project is expected to cost three billion euros.

McCourt said it has so far surveyed 98,000 locations in 23 counties as part of its efforts to provide broadband connectivity.

Broadband connection points for high speed internet

Minister Emon Ryan and NBI Chairman David McCourt said the first 50 broadband connection points have been set up in rural areas and free Wi-Fi will be available within 50 meter radius of the connection points. By next year this numbers will be increased to 300.

Connection points will be established adjacent to sports clubs, the administration center, and other community centers.

McCourt said broadband connection points offer free high-speed internet access to people in rural areas.

Vodafone Ireland has been given the contract to set up broadband connection points.

Vodafone Ireland head Anne O’Leary said the goal of the broadband connection points was to provide people with high-speed Internet access by eliminating the digital divide between urban and rural areas.

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