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Garda Commissioner Reveals Paid Immigration Occurring in Ireland

Dublin: The Garda is actively investigating immigration-related crimes, including illegal border crossings and human trafficking, as revealed by Garda Commissioner Drew Harris. Speaking at Galway, Harris emphasised the specific focus on illegal immigration and associated criminal activities. He mentioned ongoing communications with UK counterparts regarding these issues.

The recent initiation of Britain’s Rwandan deportation policy has led to an increase in illegal immigrants entering Ireland. Harris highlighted the importance of identifying these individuals and uncovering the networks facilitating their entry. He noted that certain taxi companies transport people to Dublin from the ports of Larne and Belfast, suggesting that Irish authorities are aware of the key players behind these operations.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee disclosed that 80% of illegal immigrants cross this border, a statistic that has sparked controversy, drawing criticism from the British Prime Minister and others.

The rise in immigration crimes across Europe is notable, with Ireland experiencing its largest influx of immigrants since 2016. Commissioner Harris pointed out that these activities are largely orchestrated by criminal gangs, with most immigrants arriving from outside Europe. Consequently, separate investigations into immigration crimes and human trafficking are being conducted in collaboration with international law enforcement agencies.

Increased Inspections

The Garda has intensified inspections on public transport and suspicious vehicles, particularly at border crossings where there is significant daily movement. Harris stressed the need for cooperation with Northern Ireland’s authorities and forces to strengthen these inspections.

Garda’s Authority to Deport

Justice Minister McEntee announced that the Gardai have been granted full authority to deport illegal immigrants. Over 100 Gardaí have been assigned to the Garda National Immigration Bureau to facilitate deportation operations. The minister also indicated that refugee cases would be processed swiftly, with the International Protection Office (IPO) implementing a system for expedited decisions. Ineligible applicants will be promptly asked to leave, with Nigerian applicants being processed particularly quickly. Deportation orders are being issued at an accelerated pace.

700 Deportation Orders Issued

So far this year, 700 deportation orders have been issued, a significant increase from the previous year. The Gardai are working diligently to expedite these deportations. Minister McEntee noted that approximately 8,000 people have sought asylum in Ireland this year, with over 20,000 seeking international protection.

The minister also reported an increase in voluntary returnees this year. She stated that the government cannot permit the establishment of tent camps in Dublin city center. An Garda and Dublin City Council will collaborate with the Department of Integration to dismantle these camps and provide accommodation for those currently residing in tents.

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