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Government proposes to collect TV licence fees through revenue

Dublin: Government sources with a proposal to collect TV licence fees through revenue.

The plan is to revise it as a ‘broadcasting charge’ common to all visual communication devices, not just TV. The proposal to apply the licence to devices, including computers, has already been presented.

Funding from the new charge will not be allocated to RTÉ alone but will instead be distributed among the various media that provide public service broadcasting.

Despite widespread public opposition to additional taxpayer funding for the scandal-plagued RTÉ, the government cannot abandon them as the national broadcaster for the time being. It is estimated that a sizable portion of the population no longer pays the TV licence fee. There will be no increase in the current annual licence fee of €160.

Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has told Parliament that licence fees must be reformed.

However, senior government officials believe the broadcasting charge will not be implemented before the next general election.

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