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Hardship of hospitality sector continues as Pubs and Restaurants will face restrictions during Christmas

Pubs and restaurants might face difficulties in accommodating indoor customers even during the time of Christmas due to Covid restrictions.

As the nation had moved to a complete lockdown with an intention to flatten the Covid curve, there are no chances of opening up restaurants and pubs for people.

Recently, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar had said that the aim of Level 5 restriction is to get the nation back to Level 3 by December 1.

During the Level 3, restaurants, cafes and pubs were opened only for takeaways and deliveries. Outdoor dining service were available only to a maximum of 15 people. Which means that restaurants and pubs can’t reopen their complete services even after the end of Level 5.

Indoor services could be resumed only at Level 2, that too along with certain restrictions and guidelines.

Reports says that Mr Varadkar is not confident that Level 2 would reach Ireland before Christmas.

However, the owners now believe and hope that they could carryout the business without allowing the customers into their compound during Christmas. As a result, it will be trickier for hospitality businesses to operate over the period.

This will be hard for many restaurants and pubs because of the climate during Christmas and also many of these restaurants and pubs doesn’t have proper outdoor dining facilities either.

A spokesman for the Tánaiste said that both the Taoiseach and Tánaiste right now believes that the nation could achieve Level 3 by December 1.

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