On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened the new International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regional office and Innovation Centre of the United Nations. At the ceremony, PM released the Bharat 6G Vision document and launched the 6G R&D Test Bed.
What exactly is the Bharat 6G Vision document?
According to an official statement, the Indian government’s Bharat 6G Vision document was created by the Technology Innovation Group on 6G (TIG-6G), which was formed in November 2021 to build a roadmap and action plans for 6G in India.
Members include officials from Ministries/Departments, specialists from research and development organisations, academia, standardisation bodies, telecom service providers, and industry.
What is a 6G test bed?
The 6G Test Bed will provide a platform for academic institutions, industry, start-ups, MSMEs, and industry, among others, to test and verify evolving ICT technologies.
According to the government, the Bharat 6G Vision Document and 6G Test Bed would promote innovation, capacity building, and speedier technological uptake in India.
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