Dublin: Indians are the first to apply for citizenship in Ireland. There are 3101 Indians who are waiting for Irish citizenship.
Pakistan is second (2508), followed by the United Kingdom (1966). In response to a question from Deputy Paul McAuliffe, Justice Minister Simon Harris revealed this.
The minister stated that the government is currently considering 30,619 applications. Of these, 23,898 (78%) are from 25 countries. The remaining 6,721 applications are from 147 countries.
Nigeria (1887), Syrian Arab Republic (1549), Romania (1499), Poland (1422), Brazil (1332), China (including Hong Kong) (1057), Africa (756), Afghanistan (508), Egypt (494), Latvia (421), Russian Federation (415), Bangladesh (413), Sudan (381), Somalia (362), Congo (356), Zimbabwe (346), Iraq (308), Turkey (296), Ukraine (291), and Lithuania (275).
Processing time for citizenship applications has been extended due to COVID. It is still ongoing. The minister stated that the applications would be processed. To make the citizenship application process easier, a new scorecard has been implemented. This has speeded up the process.
The deployment of the e-chat bot ‘Tara’, e-payments, e-tax clearance, and gardai e-vetting are also innovative measures. The waiver of the requirement to provide an original passport when applying will also make things easier.
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