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Ireland Expands Sick Pay Scheme, Offering Claims of Up to €550

Dublin: Effective January 1st, a significant adjustment has been made to sick leave payments for all worker categories in Ireland, now amounting to €550. This update encompasses a statutory sick pay scheme wherein €110 per day will be disbursed for up to five days.

Applicants, including those on probation, interns, apprentices, and agency workers, are eligible to avail sick pay benefits, a provision previously unavailable for many in the private sector.

Claims for sick pay can be filed for consecutive or alternate days within the calendar year, spanning from January 1st to December 31st. The benefit extends to 70% of the daily wage, or a maximum of €110. Calculation of wages incorporates fixed bonuses and allowances, excluding overtime and commission.

In cases where salaries vary weekly, the average earnings over the preceding 13 weeks before taking sick leave will be considered. It’s imperative that the employee have a tenure of at least 13 weeks with the employer before claiming sick leave.

However, it’s worth noting that sick leave payments doesn’t apply if one is on sick leave immediately preceding a public holiday.

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