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Ireland To Extend Maternity Leave to Up to One Year…

Dublin: The government is set to introduce a bill that allows up to one year of maternity leave for women diagnosed with a mental or physical illness. This scheme will enable women undergoing treatment for cancer or other serious diseases to extend their maternity leave to a maximum of 52 weeks.

The legislation aims to ensure that affected women are not forced to use their maternity leave for treatment purposes. Government sources expect the legislation to be introduced in September and have called for the bill to be fast-tracked.

The proposed law is designed to grant extended maternity leave to women diagnosed with mental or physical illnesses during pregnancy. According to the Irish Cancer Society, approximately 60 women are diagnosed with cancer each year during pregnancy or shortly after giving birth.

This new legislation is based on findings that women currently have to use all their vacation days for treatment of serious illnesses, including cancer, during childbirth. The government hopes to implement this law as soon as possible to provide better support for affected women.

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