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“Ireland to Mark International Women’s Day with Dual Referendum Vote”

On this year’s International Women’s Day, Ireland faces a significant moment as citizens prepare to vote in two referendums aimed at modernising the concept of family and advancing women’s rights. The proposed amendments seek to broaden the definition of family under Article 41 and replace Article 41.2 with a new Article 42B, reflecting the changing societal landscape.

Isobel Houlihan, Events Officer of Trinity Women in Law (TWIL), discussed the significance of these referendums. TWIL, a subcommittee of the Trinity Law Society, aims to empower women in the legal profession and address gender disparities in senior law positions.

Houlihan highlighted the long-standing need for constitutional reform to support women’s rights, citing historical discriminatory practices such as the Marriage Bar. While the proposed amendments represent progress, Houlihan criticised the current wording for lacking substantive support for domestic labour.

Despite the push for a more progressive interpretation of Article 41.2, Houlihan noted the historical absence of state support for domestic roles. She emphasised the importance of recognising diverse family structures and urged voters to consider the broader social implications of their decision.

Reflecting on her personal connection to the proposed amendment, Houlihan shared how it could positively impact families like hers, providing legal recognition and support. She encouraged voters to embrace incremental progress, recognising that change may not always align perfectly with democratic will.

In essence, the upcoming referendums symbolise Ireland’s ongoing journey towards gender equality and inclusive family laws, prompting citizens to consider the broader societal implications of their vote.

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