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Ireland’s labour shortage is dire, says Chambers Ireland; More work permits in skills sector

Dublin: 90 percent of small businesses in Ireland are struggling to fill vacancies with qualified staff, according to Chambers Ireland.

To solve the problem, the organisation also requested that the permitting and visa procedures be simplified. Chambers also suggested to the Irish government that there should be more different types of permits, such as critical skills, ineligible list, and general. The government’s consultation on critical skill work permits closes today. The survey results of the organisation were released in this regard.

According to the findings of a survey released this morning, More than half of small businesses are found to be understaffed, even in roles that require direct customer service. The survey also found that two-thirds of medium-sized businesses are understaffed to fill management positions.

Over 400 people from Chambers Ireland responded to the survey. 95 percent of microbusinesses reported a need for workers with critical skills.

According to Ian Talbot, chief executive of Chambers Ireland, the difficulty for businesses in filling vacancies will have an impact on business growth.

He claims that the reason Ireland is no longer as appealing as it once was is that bureaucratic processes are becoming more rigid. Referring to the delay in work permits, he said that uncomplicated matters are being issued without delay.

The government’s consultation on work permits, which began in June, ends today. Changes to the Critical Skill Occupations List and the Ineligible Occupations List for work permits will be reviewed.

Recruitment outside the European Economic Area will be evaluated primarily through consultation.

The critical skills occupations list includes white-collar and professional roles where the government recognises that a lack of qualified or skilled workers threatens the economy’s proper functioning.

A network working group of caregivers working in Ireland from abroad, led by the organisation Overseas Health and Home care’s in IRELAND, has also participated in the consultation, demanding that healthcare assistants be included in the critical skills work permit list.

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