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Irish Daily Mail Poll: Concern Over Local Crime Surges, Nearly Three in Five Express Worry

Dublin: An Amárach Research poll for the Irish Daily Mail indicates that nearly three in five individuals are increasingly concerned about crime in their local areas compared to previous years. This apprehension coincides with a significant rise in robbery, extortion, and hijacking offences, as reported by the Central Statistics Office.

With over 74,000 incidents of theft recorded in 2023, concerns about safety are palpable, prompting behaviours such as reducing outings and restricting shopping to daylight hours. The Association of Garda Sergeants & Inspectors (AGSI) attributes part of this trend to administrative burdens diverting officers from street patrols, impacting public confidence in law enforcement.

AGSI’s deputy general secretary highlights the strain on Garda resources, advocating for a return to proactive policing rather than excessive administrative tasks. The nationwide survey further reveals a prevalent perception of anti-social behaviour in shopping and socialising areas, prompting calls for increased safety measures by businesses.

While certain crime categories have witnessed decreases, such as homicides and sexual offences, others like fraud and deception have surged, indicating evolving challenges in law enforcement. Despite some positive trends, the overarching concern underscores the need for effective strategies to address community safety and restore public confidence in policing.

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