“National Website, Tackle Bullying, Takes a Stand Against Bullying and Cyberbullying for Youth, Parents, and Educators”
TackleBullying.ie is a nationally funded website dedicated to addressing the issues of bullying and cyberbullying among young individuals, parents, and educators. Supported by the Department of Education as part of the Cineáltas: Action Plan on Bullying (2022), the platform serves as a valuable resource for those impacted by or concerned about bullying and cyberbullying incidents.
The website, TackleBullying.ie, offers a wealth of information and resources for various user groups.
Young People: Empowering young individuals with insights into the nature of bullying and cyberbullying, distinguishing between different types, and equipping them with strategies to prevent and combat these challenges.
Parents: providing parents with essential guidance and knowledge to support their children in dealing with bullying situations. The resources aim to assist parents in understanding and addressing these issues effectively.
Teachers: Equipping educators with valuable information and tools to identify, manage, and prevent bullying within educational settings Our resources are designed to help teachers create safer learning environments.
The website, with its Resources and Information Hub, serves as a comprehensive platform for users seeking assistance in understanding and addressing the complexities of bullying. TackleBullying.ie is intended for anyone touched by the impact of bullying, whether they have personally experienced it or have witnessed others being targeted. If you’re uncertain about how to navigate such situations, the website is here to provide valuable insights and guidance, helping you take appropriate action to address bullying issues.
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