Dublin: Legislation passed to introduce restrictions with more warnings to drinkers. Yesterday, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly signed the new restrictions into law.
The new law requires all alcoholic products to list their calorie content per gramme of alcohol in the product.
The regulations will require all labels to warn about the dangers of drinking alcohol while pregnant, as well as the risk of liver disease and potentially fatal cancers.
According to Donnelly, the new law is intended to provide consumers with a better understanding of alcohol content and the health effects of alcohol consumption.
While other food products already have health information on their labels, alcohol only has simple warnings.
However, they added that businesses would need to give themselves three years to prepare for the change, with the new law coming into effect in May 2026. According to the Health Minister, Ireland is the first country in the world to take these steps and implement comprehensive health labelling of alcohol products, and other countries should be prepared to follow suit.
Alcohol Action Ireland has welcomed the new regulations, as alcohol is estimated to be responsible for 7% of female breast cancer cases in Ireland.
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