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NWCI Advocates for Yes Votes in Referendum, Opposed by Silenced Protest and Other Organisations

Dublin: In the lead-up to the referendum, the National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI) has been actively campaigning for Yes votes, advocating for proposed changes. However, their stance has met opposition from various organisations, including Silenced Protest, the Irish Women’s Lobby, Women’s Space Ireland, and The Countess, who advocate for a No vote.

The Silenced Protest, representing what they claim to be Ireland’s silent majority, argues that a Yes vote would endorse what they perceive as a ‘lie’. They assert that the proposed changes will not benefit women and criticise the government for failing to present a compelling argument.

A flash demonstration organised by thirty members of Silenced Protest outside the Mansion House in Dublin coincided with the commencement of NWCI’s Yes campaign for both referendums.

Helen Duignan, founder of the Irish Women’s Lobby, criticises the government’s lack of clarity in defining “stronger relationships,” a term proposed to be enshrined in the constitution through the referendum.

Estelle Birdie, representing another group, questions the rationale behind removing the terms “women” and “mothers” from the constitution, citing the outdated language of Article 41.2. While acknowledging the need for updates, Birdie deems the estimated €20 million expenditure on the referendum unnecessary, particularly in a country grappling with homelessness. The group argues against allocating resources to issues they perceive as non-threatening to women’s interests.

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