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“Refugees in Dublin Endure Freezing Conditions as Snow Brings Misery”

Dublin: During an unexpected snowstorm that blanketed the country, individuals seeking refuge in tents along Mount Street in Dublin found themselves without recourse. With the government unable to provide adequate accommodation, over 1,100 refugees have endured sleeping on the streets for three months, relying solely on these makeshift shelters. The Irish Refugee Council has voiced strong criticism, citing a significant failure on the government’s part to support these vulnerable populations.

Near the International Protection Office, numerous tents housing asylum seekers succumbed to the weight of the heavy snow, resulting in soaked belongings and exacerbated health conditions, including fevers. Calls for assistance went unanswered, leaving individuals, including Palestinians and Afghans fleeing the Taliban, in dire straits. Language barriers further compounded their plight, with many relying on translation tools like Google Translate to communicate their grievances.

The Irish Refugee Council has labelled the situation a dire humanitarian crisis, lambasting the government’s response as grossly inadequate. In contrast, the Department of Integration asserted that a dedicated system is in place to offer emergency accommodation to international protection refugees in Ireland, prioritising families with children. However, the department acknowledged challenges exacerbated by adverse weather conditions.

Dublin City Council clarified that while the Integration Department oversees asylum seeker accommodation, it operates under the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive Council. Despite efforts to address the crisis, the plight of these refugees underscores the pressing need for comprehensive and timely support.

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