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The late Steve Jobs was interviewed by Joe Rogan using AI

The late Steve Jobs was brought back from the dead by artificial intelligence for a fabricated interview with Joe Rogan that focuses on the Apple founder’s religious views, success, and experience while using lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).

The almost 20-minute conversation, which can be found on Podcast.ai, was created using text-to-voice software that leveraged prior recordings of both to produce a meaningful and continuous exchange.

What is important in life?

Rogan opens the conversation by extolling Jobs’ life achievements. Jobs claims that his drug use provided him with an incredible experience. It accomplished this by reinforcing his notions about what matters in life. In Jobs’ voice, he stated that the most essential things in life are to love one another, to wonder, to respect life, and to connect with others.

The listener will believe that Jobs and Rogan are sitting and conversing somewhere in the studio. Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011. Jobs mentioned drugs in an interview with his biographer, Walter Isaacson.


Jobs’ voice states that he attended a Buddhist course since he feels those people are responsible for who we are now. What I learnt at Reed College while taking this course was not whether to believe in God or what the right answer is. It’s rather about asking the right questions about life, he claims.

Both also discussed the beginnings of the Apple Corporation. Many of the large corporations that existed when Jobs designed the Apple II no longer exist, according to Jobs. He claims that all of those businesses failed because they did some things right. Apple’s success was not luck. The company had a good vision. He also stated that he was aware that he could only advance if he was constantly doing things.

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