Innocent, a veteran Malayalam actor and former MP, died on Sunday (March 26) in a private hospital in Kochi. He was 75. He had been in the hospital since March 3rd and died around 10.30 p.m. According to medical officials, “he was infected with COVID and had respiratory difficulties as well as multiple organ failure leading to heart failure.”
Innocent, who made his cinematic debut in 1972 with ‘Nirthasala,’ has had a successful career over the past five decades. He appeared in over 750 films, including “Ramji Rao Speaking,” “Gajakesariyogam,” “Dr. Pasupathy,” “Kilukkam,” “Peruvannapurathe Visheshangal,” “Mazhavil Kavadi,” “Mukunthetta Sumitra Vilikkunnu,” and “Gandhinagar 2nd Street.” Innocent has also served as the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists’ president (AMMA). Innocent, a cancer survivor, has always approached life with a smile.
The death of Innocent has shaken the entertainment industry. Many celebs expressed their condolences and grief on their various social media accounts.
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