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Woman jailed for six weeks for insulting Gardai by repeatedly saying “We are the Dundons”

Woman sentenced to six weeks in jail for insulting Gardai. The 54-year-old Breda Casey repeatedly told Gardai, “We are the Dundons”.

When the case was heard in the Ennis District Court, the judge did not understand what she had said. Judge Patrick Durcan asked Garda O’Neill “The Dundons? Who are the Dundons?”. Judge Durkan was “shocked” by Garda O’Neill’s response. “They are a family in Limerick judge,” he said.

Ms. Casey lives in the Sunday School Lane in Blackpool, Cork. Garda O’Neill said she jumped in front of Garda car and tried to open the passenger door of the car. The incident took place on 4 March 2020 at St Patrick’s Terrace, Kilrush.

After hearing Garda’s explanation, the judge sentenced Casey to six weeks in prison for violating the Public Order Act.

Judge Durcan said: “In my view, anyone who jumps out in front of a patrol car and, who in effect damages the uniform of our unarmed police force deserves nothing but contempt.”

“Ms. Casey is 54, and she should have a little bit more sense. She has an appalling record. Seventy-one previous convictions, including 12 for public order,” he said.

Ms. Casey did not appear in court to hear the case. However, her lawyer, Tara Godfrey, asked Judge Durcan not to impose a custodial sentence on her, but he refused.

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